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Falcon ACT Madness Challenge /GIFT CARDS for High School Students

  1. We at CHS are requesting a total of twenty (20) $25 Visa Gift Cards to offer as rewards for 11th grade students who successfully complete their online ACT Prep work as we prepare for the ACT on April 11th. We will review the completion and participation data for each of the juniors every other week beginning January 9th through March 31st. All 11th graders have an opportunity to participate. Every other week for six weeks, the top twenty (20) students who successfully engage and complete the ACT Prep modules weekly will be presented with a gift card. We will take photos of these students and celebrate their achievements among their peers.

     A donation of gift cards will be greatly appreciated by Central High School, as we encourage students to successfully complete their online ACT Prep work. Thank         you in advance for any donation that you may be able to give to support CHS students as they participate in the Falcon ACT Madness Challenge. 

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