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Car Repair for Perrysburg Family
The caregiver of 4 Perrysburg students needs a sensor ($50.00) and hose ($100) replaced in their truck in order to be able to get their students to and from school, to and from doctors appointments, etc. We are looking for assistance with the parts and/or labor to get it fixed.
If you are able to assist with the costs of the parts, please click this donation link ( and donate any dollar amount. Please put "car parts" in the donation description. If you are someone who can help with the "labor", please click the "I can help" button below and a neighborhood bridges representative will be in touch with you to make arrangements.
If you are able to assist with the costs of the parts, please click this donation link ( and donate any dollar amount. Please put "car parts" in the donation description. If you are someone who can help with the "labor", please click the "I can help" button below and a neighborhood bridges representative will be in touch with you to make arrangements.
Thanks for your support!
This need has already been fulfilled.
We still have 7 open needs in Perrysburg.