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Opportunities for Kindness
Family in Need
Water bill
Students in Need
School Clothes Closet Needs
Our school clothes closet is in need of size 6 girls panties, size 6 women's panties, extra small and small boys boxer briefs. We also need belts of all sizes,
elastic waistband shorts/pants child sizes 5-14, adult sizes small, medium, large, women's deodorant, and hair ties.
Recently Filled Needs
Clear or Mesh Backpacks
Clothing and Shoe Vouchers
Two students at CES who needed clothing and shoe vouchers for the 24-25 school year. Vouchers were provided and picked up.
Boys Clothing
Boys Shoes
Male Athletic Shoes
Size 11 male athletic shoes
Boys XXL Size 18-20
Need Boys XXL sizes 18-20 elastic band shorts, pants, and underwear.
$1200 to assist student burn victim's next surgery
7-year-old female burn victim has already had numerous procedures and surgeries. She has another surgery coming up right away, and the family is in financial need for food and lodging while she is hospitalized and gas to transport her for the follow-up visits.