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Opportunities for Kindness
electric clothing dryer
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Recently Filled Needs
household and hygiene products
laundry detergent, bar soap, toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner
**urgent need** boys fall clothing size 7/8
in need of a few outfits for a first grade boy: fall clothing: joggers, t-shirts & hoodies size 7/8. also needs size 8 socks and underwear.
He enjoys Minecraft and Lego graphic designs, but is not picky. those are a few he mentioned when asked some of his favorites.
*urgent need* girls clothing size 12/14
fall clothing: leggings, shirts, hoodies (for chilly weather), socks & underwear. girls size L typically translates into size 12/14.
student enjoys butterfly design, sparkles, pink/purple colors but is not picky, I just asked some of her favorites.
Girl in need of Shoes for School- Size 2
Girl in need of shoes for back to school- Size 2. Favorite colors are white, blue, yellow, or light green. Thank you!
Girl in need of Shoes for School- Size 2
Girl in need of shoes for back to school- Size 2. Favorite colors are white, blue, yellow, or light green. Thank you!