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Opportunities for Kindness
8th Grade Washington DC Trip
We are looking for donations to help finance the Washington DC trip for 5 of our 8th grade students. The total amount needed is $900. Any amount is appreciated. Checks can be written to Crestwood Local Schools with Washington DC added to the note section of the check. Checks can be dropped off to Mrs. Morrison, 7-9 School Counselor, at the 7-12 Campus. Please reach out to her with any questions. Donations requested by March 21st.
Recently Filled Needs
$150 for trade school application/deposit
A senior needs $150 for an application/deposit for a trade school he/she wants to attend.
Rent help for local family
A local family is in need for help paying January rent. The amount they need is $1,125 by January 13th to prevent eviction. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Gas Gift Card Needed
Gift Card Needed to purchase gas.
A Crestwood family is in need of help with rent this holiday season. The total needed is $500. Any donated amount is appreciated. Thank you!
Utility Help
A Crestwood family is in crisis after an unexpected job loss. They are in need of help to pay their utilities. We are looking for the following assistance:
Electric - $250.00, paid to Ohio Edison
Internet - $100.00 paid to Spectrum
Gas - $200.00 paid to Enbrige Gas Ohio
Water - $100.00 paid to Aqua OH
Electric - $250.00, paid to Ohio Edison
Internet - $100.00 paid to Spectrum
Gas - $200.00 paid to Enbrige Gas Ohio
Water - $100.00 paid to Aqua OH
Family in Need
A family recently had their electric turned off. They are behind in payments, and they owe $479.99.
+16 more
Thank You!