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Anthony Wayne

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Anthony Wayne Bridges



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Recently Filled Needs

JH Track Fees

A Junior High student needs $80 to cover the pay to participate track fees. Thank you for your consideration in helping with this need.

Unbreakable Water Bottles for Primary Students

Our school nurse in one of our Primary Buildings is requesting reusable (unbreakable) water bottles for students who do not have one at home to bring to school for daily use at the water filling stations. Identified students will be given the bottle by the nurse or counselor, to use and leave at school for their repeated use throughout the year.

The link to follow is the requested example of the type of water bottle the primary school is looking for:    Primary School Water Bottles_V2  

The bottles come in sets of 10 (and we request "AW blue" as many of the other kiddos have, if possible). If you are able to order an entire set, in this case, we are asking that the bottles be sent directly to Whitehouse Primary for immediate use.  If you prefer to donate monetarily, we will be happy to order and have delivered.  Any donation willingly accepted.  The building is hoping for 20-25 bottles at this time.

Whitehouse Primary School
6510 N Texas St
Whitehouse OH. 43571
ATTN: Rachel Swavel

Snacks for Weekend Bag Students

Good Afternoon!

We have some students who are currently on our weeekend food bag program who do not have access to snacks from home to bring for the school day.  We are need of various snack items for these students to be used as needed. Thank you for your consideration!

Suggestions include:

Apple sauce individual cups
Gold fish individual backs
Ritz Cracks Packs
Granola Bars

Any assistance is much appreciated!

Snacks for Students In Need

Students in need who are not able to bring snacks from home are need of various snack items. 

Suggestions include:

Apple sauce individual cups
Gold fish individual backs
Ritz Cracks Packs
Granola Bars

Any assistance is much appreciated!

Case of Chocolate Pediasure

Case of Chocolate Pediasure

+101 more
Thank You!

About Anthony Wayne

Our Steering Committee

Kevin Herman, Assistant Superintendent, Anthony Wayne Local Schools

Rebecca Schwan, Communications, Anthony Wayne Local Schools

Mary Duncan, Member, Waterville City Council

Terri Massucci, Community Events, City of Waterville

Jackie Lehman, Waterville Chamber of Commerce

Kathleen Kuhns, Monclova Township

Mike O'Shea, Waterville Community Church

Jennifer Carroll, Cedar Creek Church

Alyson Zdunczyk, Director of Development, Anthony Wayne Youth Foundation

Taylor Kervin, Executive Director, Anthony Wayne Youth Foundation

Pam Brint, Former member Anthony Wayne Board of Education, community member, business owner

Jeff Baden, Anthony Wayne Board of Education, neighborhood bridges delivery team

Rebekah Hrcka, Social Worker, Anthony Wayne Local Schools

Anne Stevens, Area Director, neighborhood bridges Anthony Wayne

Amy Barrett, Area Director, neighborhood bridges Anthony Wayne

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