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Opportunities for Kindness
Recently Filled Needs
Shoes Needed For Student!
Family In Need!
Family In Need!
A precious family in our community is in need of some items during a difficult time. We are asking for gas gift cards, wal-mart and target, as well as any resturant gift cards as well. Including Trussville To Go!
Need For Family Gift Cards!
We have a need for gift cards to give a family in need of some assistance. These can be for food establishments or places like Walmart.
High School Student and Family
Male High School student and family members in need of some financial assistance due to an unforeseen tragedy. Walmart, Target gift cards, and Gas cards would be very helpful during this time.
Field Trip Funding at Paine
Students need to support to attend a field trips in the coming weeks. Approximately $800 in needs due to cost increases of events and family challenges.